Sunday, August 20, 2017

Kansas Water Authority Approves Budget Priorities in Pittsburg

TOPEKA, KAN. - This week the Kansas Water Authority (KWA) met in the city of Pittsburg for their August meeting.

Over the two days the KWA participated in a tour and business meeting. The members toured multiple projects in the area from the city’s water treatment plant to the remediated mine sites that are supported in coordination with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and Kansas Department of Wildlife Parks and Tourism, both sister agencies and ex-officios of the KWA.

The KWA received updates on vital water projects in the state including a reservoir feasibility study and modeling effort in the Lower Republican River Basin, a Lower Quality Water Summit, and ongoing research coordination efforts to address water issues. The KWA approved the Kansas Water Office (KWO) to enter into negotiation discussions for the Wolf Creek Marketing Contract that will expire this year. State Water Plan Fund budget priorities for the coming fiscal years were approved and new members were appointed to each of the 14 Regional Advisory Committees. As part of the Kansas Water Vision the KWA also heard updates from seven of the Regional Advisory Committees on implementation of their regional priority projects.

The KWA also took action to support the bill introduced by Congressman Ron Estes (KS-4) H.R. 3383, which would designate the Wichita-Valley Center Flood Control Project as the M.S. “Mitch” Mitchell Floodway. M.S. Mitchell served on the Authority for three terms, and held many other positions related to water resource management. As the flood-control superintendent, he was a key figure in the success of the “Big Ditch.” A notice of support will be sent to members of the Kansas Congressional Delegation on behalf of the KWA.

The KWA is responsible for advising the Governor, Legislature and Director of the Kansas Water Office on water policy issues. They also ensure that water policies and programs address the needs of all Kansans as well as serve as advisors of the Kansas Water Vision and Kansas Water Plan. The KWA was established in 1981 and consists of 13 voting members who are appointed by the Governor or Legislative leadership. State agency directors serve as ex-officio members.

The next meeting will be held in McPherson, Kansas October 10, 2017. KWA meetings are held throughout the year and for additional information and other upcoming meetings, visit
Note to Editor:  The Americans with Disabilities Act, (42 U.S.C. 12101), requires the Kansas Water Office to print the reasonable accommodations messages.