Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wyandotte County Democrats to caucus Saturday


The Wyandotte County Democratic Party is invited to caucus this Saturday.

Though very little drama is expected (President Barack Obama has no opponent), Democrats are encouraged to come out and still offer support, according to the Wyandotte County Democratic Party.

Caucuses will be held from 1 - 4 p.m. The caucus process is expected to begin at 2 p.m.

More information from a news release:
If you turn 18 before November 6 election day, you may participate.

The presidential campaign caucuses are organized by state senate districts. The Wyandotte County districts and the state senator representing the district are listed below:

District 4 (represented by David Haley)
Trinity Community Church
5010 Parallel Parkway
coordinated by State Rep. Valdenia Winn

District 5, Wyandotte County portion (represented by Kelly Kultala)
Open Door Baptist Church
3033 N. 103rd Terrace
coordinated by Barbara Ikerd

District 6 (represented by Chris Steineger)
Turner High School
2211 South 55th Street
coordinated by former State Rep. Pat Pettey