Thursday, June 7, 2012

Several major changes in Kansas alcohol regulations becoming law

By SCOTT ROTHSCHILD, The Lawrence Journal-World

Several other major changes in alcohol regulations were approved by the Legislature this session, including one that is designed to lure a dinner train business to the area.

The liquor-related measures were mixed into one “mega-bill” signed into law by Gov. Sam Brownback.

Under one provision, dinner railway cars can obtain a liquor license. Rep. Terri Lois Gregory, R-Baldwin City, said the measure was aimed at luring a Nebraska dinner train business to operate between Baldwin City and Ottawa.

Other provisions of the new law allow:

• Drinking establishments to offer “Happy Hour” specials. Previously, bars could offer special drink prices, but those charges had to last all day.

• Micro-distilleries to sell and serve their products on their premises.

• Liquor stores to offer free tastings of beer, wine and alcohol to their customers.