Friday, June 22, 2012

Volunteers are essential to scouting programs

By DIANE HENTGES, United Way of Wyandotte County

Children need to have a variety of activities and experiences to have a well rounded life. There are a number of these activities that rely on the experience and commitment of volunteers. 

What are some of these programs?

Scouting continues to be a wonderful outlet for young people that provides great opportunities for the development of the whole person.

Through participation in these programs our youth develop self-confidence, team work and leadership skills that will stay with them on life‘s journey. In our area Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Camp Fire USA are active.

Boy Scouts of America have been around for 102 years. Just think of the number of young people who have been exposed to the scouting programs that help shape their lives. The focus of Boy Scouts programs is to develop good citizenship, build character, and develop personal fitness. There are many more young people waiting for the opportunity to participate in scouting and to explore their world. Boy Scouts can engage boys as young a 7 years of age in Cub Scouts. For those boys between 11 and 14 there is Boy Scouting. Venturing is a program for boys and girls 14-20 that helps these maturing adolescents develop into responsible and caring adults. If you would like more information on the volunteer opportunities with the Boy Scouts please call 816-942-9333 or visit their web site at

Girl Scouts builds the courage, confidence and character of young women who will one day help make the world a better place for us all. Since 1912, Girl Scouts has helped girls develop qualities that will serve them all their lives: strong values, a social conscience and conviction about their own potential and self-worth. With the volunteer help of caring adults, girls 5-17 can participate in the fun and enriching experiences of being a Girl Scout. To find out more about the volunteer opportunities available in Girl Scouting, please call 816-358-8750 or checkout their web site at

Camp Fire USA has been a leader in youth development since 1910. Their mission is to build caring, confident youth who will be our future leaders. Camp Fire USA Heartland Council has innovative programs that teach self-reliance, community service, and environmental education to boys and girls 3-18 years of age. They have before & after-school programs, club programs, Teens in Action, Hold on to Health & Community Education programs.  These programs are possible only through the efforts of dedicated volunteers. For more information on how you can volunteer please call 913-285-2016 or visit their web site at

Please consider one of these organizations as a way to become involved with our young people. They need the role model and guidance of caring adults to help them in their development. The children and the community will be appreciative of your commitment to our future generations. For more information about other volunteer activities call me at 913-371-3674 or visit our web site at