Friday, July 27, 2012

AARP Kansas to hold Social Security informational event next week

 News Release:
AARP Kansas is taking the debate about Social Security and Medicare from behind closed doors in Washington, D.C. and bringing it to Kansas City, Kan., next week. 

AARP wants to make sure that Americans have a say in the debate about how to strengthen these programs for future generations.

On Tuesday, July 31, the conversation will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Reardon Center, 500 Minnesota Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas.  The public is invited to attend and share their thoughts on how the programs can be strengthened. 

A recently appointed member of the AARP national board of directors, Joan Ruff, who is from Kansas, will also be present at the conversation. 

Nationally, we’ve heard from more than a million people who are frustrated that Washington isn’t listening to them when it comes to Medicare and Social Security,” said AARP Kansas Director Maren Turner.  “They’re making their voices heard online and at community meetings and events all over the country, just like the one we’ll be holding in Kansas City on July 31.”

Social Security faces long-term financial challenges as the overall U.S. population ages, and contributions aren’t keeping up with longer life expectancies.

According to the most recent Trustees report, Social Security can pay full benefits for the next 20 years, but only 75 percent of promised benefits after that.

“Americans who have paid into Social Security have earned the right to know the proposals that are being discussed in Washington,” Turner concluded. “They want politicians to consider how any changes would impact retirement security for them and their families. You’ve Earned a Say is also about making sure that all Americans receive clear and balanced information about the programs and the proposals being debated in Washington,” Turner continued. “We need to make sure that all Americans have the facts.”

In a survey released by AARP in March, 98 percent of respondents said Medicare is important to people’s health in retirement, but only 54 percent are confident it will be there for them throughout their retirement.

Similarly, 96 percent believe Social Security is important to people’s financial security in retirement, but only 49 percent are confident it will be there for them.

“Social Security and Medicare are the foundation of retirement security for millions of Americans,” Turner concluded. “By working together, getting involved and making our voices heard, we can keep Social Security and Medicare strong for today and for future generations.”

A new video wall at provides another opportunity for people in Kansas and across the country to share their thoughts. Users of the Share Your Say Wall can upload a photo or video message to add to the conversation about Social Security and Medicare.

The web site also offers balanced information about the Medicare and Social Security options being debated in Washington, fact sheets, infographics and questionnaires designed to help Americans have their say about the future of the programs.

The Share Your Say Wall can be accessed directly at