Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dependable volunteers are always needed

By DIANE HENTGES, Director of the Volunteer Center of the United Way of Wyandotte County

I recently met representatives of local social service agencies in our community. The topic of discussion was volunteers and the agencies agreed that they need volunteers.

The tasks that the volunteers can do are varied. Some agencies need volunteer with special skills sets; maybe someone who knows computers, a photographer, volunteers with medical credentials, maybe a plumber, an accountant or someone skilled in marketing.

Other needs include administrative support, help with routine maintenance, and help in a pantry or preparing meals for those in need.

Some volunteer positions are behind the scenes work and others the volunteers engage directly with the client population.

Volunteers are needed to tutor, to mentor our young people and to teach them life skills.  I have mentioned only a few of the many opportunities available.

The agency representatives stressed that they need dependable, consistent and committed volunteers. The administration and staff of local service agencies are focused on fulfilling the mission of the agency.

They need the help and support of volunteers to get that accomplished. In this day of decreased budgets, the role of the volunteer in the non-profit sector has become very important.

The hours that volunteers contribute to an agency allow the staff to remain focused on what they were hired to do.

Do you want to help local social service agencies meet needs in our community? Do you want to make a difference?

Do you have a consistent block of time that you are available; once every other month, monthly, weekly?  Our local agencies want to recruit you.

You can find volunteer opportunities on our web site at and then click on VOLUNTEER.