Saturday, July 28, 2012

Google Fiber Morning Update: July 28


The amount of neighborhoods in Kansas City, Kan., that have exceeded their pre-registration goals for Google Fiber remains at three.

Hanover Heights, Frank Rushton and North KU Medical Centers have all exceeded their goals, meaning Google Fiber is guaranteed for those areas.

Top 10 as of Saturday Morning:

1. Hanover Heights (exceeded the goal)
2. Dubs Dread (67 to go)
3. Piper Schools (130 to go)
4. Frank Rushton (exceeded)
5. Plaza at the Speedway (159 to go)
6. North KU Med (exceeded)
7. Open Door (91 to go)
8. Delaware Ridge (166 to go)
9. Alvey Park (79 to go)
10. Strawberry Hill (9 to go)

The entire rankings list for all the KCK areas can be viewed here.

Rankings are determined by both the size of the neighborhood and the percentage of residents who have signed up for Google Fiber.

Any neighborhood that exceeds their goals will help the schools in the area receive free Google Fiber.

The cost is $10 and the deadline is September 9.