Wednesday, July 18, 2012
International teaching award given to KCKCC's Sue Courtney
Dr. Susan Courtney, a business professor at Kansas City Kansas Community College, has been awarded the International Teaching Excellence Award for 2012 by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
An international accrediting body for business programs at the associate and baccalaureate/graduate level, the ACBSP presented Dr. Courtney with an engraved plaque and a cash award at its recent annual conference in Baltimore.
The international award came on the heels of Dr. Courtney receiving the 2012 Teaching Excellence Award for Region 5 in March. From the regional winners, the ACBSP honors two of the recipients with International Teaching Excellence Awards, one from an associate degree institution presented Dr. Courtney and one from a baccalaureate/graduate degree-granting institution.
”On behalf of KCKCC, I want to congratulate Dr. Courtney on both her awards and thank her for her commitment to teaching and service to the college,” said Dr. Marvin Hunt, KCKCC Dean of Business and Continuing Education.
In nominating Dr. Courtney, Dr. Hunt wrote: “Lakshmy Sivaratnam, a professor in our Business Division, once told me that she regularly hears from former students who comeback to KCKCC and so many ask about one professor – Dr. Courtney. They ask if she is still teaching and express what an impact she has had on them during their careers.
“I have experienced the same thing when a student or former student walks into my office and asks about Dr. Courtney. I am always proud to know that one of our great faculty team members has made such an impression on a student. After all, isn’t that what teaching and learning is all about? We strive every day to positively shape the lives of our students.”
Dr. Courtney has been active in the ACBSP for several years. Elected secretary of the Board of Directors for the 2008 ACBSP national conference, she has also served as an evaluator and team chair of the ACBSP site teams, assisted with editing and simplifying the ACBSP reporting process and presented several training sessions at the national conference and Region 5 meetings.
Nearing her 30th year at KCKCC, Dr. Courtney’s first 15 years at the college were spent as Director of the Business and Industry program where she developed and delivered training programs for hundreds of area employers and employees. A professor of business and coordinator of the market/Mid-Management program for eight years, she also served as Dean of Business and Technology before returning to teaching in the classroom.
Dr. Courtney holds an AA from Johnson County Community College, a BS in Business Education from Pittsburg State University and an MBA from Avila College. Her PhD is in Adult and Continuing Education from Kansas State University.
PHOTO: KCKCC Business Prof. Dr. Susan Courtney was presented the 2012 International Teaching Excellence Award by Shirley Kleiner, president of the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs at the Council’s national conference in Baltimore.