Thursday, August 16, 2012

Google Fiber Update: KCK now has 15 Fiberhoods, several others a few away


As we creep closer to the September 9 deadline, the number of Kansas City, Kan., Fiberhoods that have reached the registration goal is now 15.

Along with the 15 Fiberhoods, a handful of KCK Fiberhoods are just a few registrations away from turning green. 
  • Washington High School: For about 24 hours, the Fiberhood has needed just ONE MORE registration. One. The reason I didn't do an update yesterday is I was hoping it would turn green. But Washington never did. 
  • White Church is just four more away.
  • The total for Wyandotte Center remains at six.
  • The Grinter Fiberhood is six registrations away. 
  • Miland Pump Station is just eight more away from reaching their goal. 
Click the image for the Top 12 rankings for Fiberhoods that have not reached the goals yet.

The Google rankings are based on percentage.