Friday, September 7, 2012

Google Fiber Update: A look at the schools that may not receive Google Fiber


With over 50 Fiberhoods turned green in Kansas City, Kan., most of the schools in the city are in the clear to receive the Google Fiber high-speed Internet for free.

Some, however, are not.

Here are the schools within the Fiberhoods that have not met their goals:

- Melrose: Turner High School, Turner Elementary School and Oak Grove Elementary School. As of Midnight, Melrose was 18 registrations away from each the goal.

- Arrowhead: Arrowhead Middle School and Claude Huyck Elementary School. (122)

- Turner Diagonal: Turner Early Learning Center. (5)

- Armourdale: John Fiske Elementary School and Morse Early Childhood Center (16)

- Coronado: Coronado Middle School. (37)

- Community College: Kansas City Kansas Community College. (68)

- Sumner: Sumner Academy and Douglass Elementary School. (55)

- Banneker: Banneker Elementary School. (33)