With over 50 Fiberhoods turned green in Kansas City, Kan., most of the schools in the city are in the clear to receive the Google Fiber high-speed Internet for free.
Some, however, are not.
Here are the schools within the Fiberhoods that have not met their goals:
- Melrose: Turner High School, Turner Elementary School and Oak Grove Elementary School. As of Midnight, Melrose was 18 registrations away from each the goal.
- Arrowhead: Arrowhead Middle School and Claude Huyck Elementary School. (122)
- Turner Diagonal: Turner Early Learning Center. (5)
- Armourdale: John Fiske Elementary School and Morse Early Childhood Center (16)
- Coronado: Coronado Middle School. (37)
- Community College: Kansas City Kansas Community College. (68)
- Sumner: Sumner Academy and Douglass Elementary School. (55)
- Banneker: Banneker Elementary School. (33)