Saturday, October 6, 2012

Young people need caring volunteers

By DIANE HENTGES, Director of the Volunteer Center/RSVP at the United Way of Wyandotte County

We know that our youth are the future.

It is so important that they have good strong role models. You can help to be that strong and caring role model. There are multiple opportunities with great programs within our community.

Here are some opportunities to help our local youth.  
  • Associated Youth Services is a community based program that helps at risk youth. They recruit caring and interested adults who are willing to help tutor young men in various school subjects. Math always seems to need just a little extra work. If you are interested in helping to tutor a young man with his homework, contact Teri at 913-831-2820 or at
  • The 4-H, a program of the Wyandotte County Extension Office, relies heavily on caring and committed adult volunteers. Do you have craft or skill you would like to pass on to eager learner? Can you sew, make a birdhouse, paint a picture or can take a photograph? These are skills that a young person is waiting to learn.  If you would like more information on how you can volunteer, contact Peggy at 913-299-9300 or at
  • Young Women on the Move offers teen girls at Argentine, Central and Rosedale Middle Schools and J.C. Harmon, Wyandotte and F.L. Schlagle High Schools programs to help them grow and mature into responsible empowered young women. Mentors are being recruited to work one-on-one or on-line with teens. If you have the time and want to help empower a teen, please contact Wendy at 816-729-6122 or at Wendy
These are just a few many opportunities to mentor and tutor and touch the life of  a young person in a positive way.

For more information on how you can GIVE, ADVOCATE, and VOLUNTEER, please contact me at 913-371-3674 or at

You can find volunteer opportunities by checking out our website, and click on Volunteer.