Tuesday, January 15, 2013

KCKFD responds to fire at KCK elementary school

Firefighters responded to the scene of a fire at a Kansas City, Kan., elementary school Tuesday morning.

The Kansas City, Kan., Fire Department reported to Douglass Elementary School at 1310 N. 9th Street just after 8 a.m.

The kitchen fire happened before students arrived at the school. An oven used to cook breakfast food was responsible for the fire.

Outside of the food in the oven itself, no extensive damage was caused by the fire. No one was hurt and school remained in session for students.

Full statement from Craig Duke, KCK Fire Department Battalion Chief:
Fire crews responded to an alarm at Douglass Elementary, 1310 N. 9th Street in KCK. Crews arrived on the scene and were informed by staff on the scene that there was a fire in the kitchen area. Crews located a large oven that was being utilized to pre-heat breakfast food for the approximate 440 students who attend the school. The fire was out upon arrival and fire crews utilized fans to clear the building of any smoke. Crews cleared the scene prior to the arrival of students. School remained in session for students. No injuries were reported.