Tuesday, February 12, 2013

K-DOT announces preliminary engineering projects

Projects ranging from passing lanes to interchanges have been selected by the Kansas Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering.

The projects will be announced today during a three-city tour by Gov. Sam Brownback and Transportation Secretary Mike King. Announcements are being made in Overland Park, Pittsburg and Spearville in Ford County.

“Kansas businesses won’t remain competitive in the future if we don’t have a highway system that allows for efficiency and growth. These projects will help provide the kind of infrastructure that gives our state an economic edge and protects Kansas families,” said Gov. Brownback.

Preliminary engineering refers to the pre-construction work and planning that must be done before actual construction of a road improvement can begin. It includes such things as design work, corridor study and identification of and purchase of right-of-way. Depending on the type of project, the pre-construction phases of a project can take months or years to complete.

KDOT leaders reviewed about 100 projects and made their final selections based on engineering factors and public recommendations received during a series of local consultation meetings in October. During the meetings conducted throughout the state, more than 450 Kansans participated in discussions about what they thought were the most important regional projects.

“While these projects aren’t programmed for construction now, it’s important that we always have projects in the pipeline,” said Transportation Secretary Mike King.

The preliminary engineering projects selected are listed below by route and grouped by KDOT districts. Also included are some preliminary engineering projects selected earlier and already under way. The complete list of the more than 100 preliminary engineering projects already under way is posted on KDOT’s T-WORKS website.

The list of Wyandotte County projects that are included:
  • I-435 and State Avenue, a project that looks to tie into Village West.
  • Lewis & Clark Viaduct
  • I-70/K-7 Interchange