Tuesday, October 14, 2014

New high school course gives students the chance to develop skills, while giving back.

BONNER SPRINGS, KAN. – A new class at Bonner Springs High School is giving kids hands-on experience in the art of sewing.

Interior and Textile Design is new to the BSHS course catalog, but the teacher in charge of the class is hoping an inspiring project will draw in big enrollment numbers in the years to come.

Dawn Sommers has been teaching at BSHS for three years now.

With a background in apparel design and textiles, Sommers is hoping to give students the resources they need to develop basic sewing skills that could prove useful in the future.

She’s also hoping to teach a lesson or two in giving, with a special class assignment. Students are creating blankets that will be donated to the Linus Project, a non-profit organization that works to provide blankets to patients in children’s hospitals all across the nation. Each student researched the project, and picked out a fabric.

Because some are new to the world of sewing, the assignment is giving students of all skill levels a chance to perfect their first project.

“We’re taking our time, we want to give a quality product,” said Sommers.

Sommers hopes to have the class project completed by the end of October. She says students are really taking pride in their work, and hopes that brings in a new group eager to learn next semester.

“I’m hoping the project inspires other kids to join the class, maybe some who never thought sewing could be fun or rewarding.”