Monday, July 30, 2012

Google Fiber Morning Update: July 30 - KCMO outracing KCK's Fiberhoods


In a roll reversal of recent economic history, Kansas City, Mo., is ahead of Kansas City, Kan., in the race to register for Google Fiber.

While the number of Fiberhoods that have clinched the Google Fiber service remains at three, over 20 percent of the Fiberhoods in Kansas City, Mo., have exceeded their registration goals.

There's some good news for KCK, however.

The Rosedale Arch Fiberhood is just two more homes away from matching their goal, while Strawberry Hill is just three more away.

Unfortunately, it's still pretty clear that KCK is lagging behind KCMO in the race.

Here's your Top 15 as of 7:30 a.m. this morning. Click for a larger image.