Thursday, July 26, 2012

More information from the Google Fiber announcement


Along with the announcement of Google Fiber TV, other important news about the Google Fiber service was announced.

Key details:

  • Three basic packages will be offered - those interested in both the Google Fiber TV service and Gigabit Internet service will be required to pay $120/month. Those who want just the Internet part are required to pay $70. Residents can receive free broadband Internet for seven years if they pay a $300 construction fee. The $300 fee can be broken down into 12 monthly payments of $25.

  • An initial $300 construction fee to install Fiber into the home can be waived if customers commit to a package early on.

  • However, there's a bit of a catch. Google has divided Kansas City, Kan., into neighborhoods. Called "Fiberhoods," residents can pre-register online for the service. However, "Fiberhoods" must meet a goal by September 9 and the quicker they do, the quicker the construction will begin. A $10 registration fee is also required to be paid. If the "Fiberhood" does not match its pre-registration goal, the fee will be refunded fully. 

  • All of KCK's Fiberhoods are featured here. The percentage of the neighborhoods is different due to the level of difficulty of installing the infrastructure required to deliver Google Fiber. 

Meanwhile, as one might expect, there was a lot of excitement about the announcement. 

Unified Government Mayor/CEO Joe Reardon and Kansas City, Mo., Mayor Sly James welcomed the announcement.

"We're thrilled to offer our residents a unique opportunity," said Unified Government Mayor/CEO Joe Reardon."

James credited the recent closer partnership between Kansas City, Kan., and Kansas City, Mo., as a reason why Google selected both cities to introduce Fiber to the world.

"All of this started when we worked together," James said. "The MLB All-Star Game came here when we began working together. Now we're being asked to introduce this. Working together with Joe Reardon and Kansas City, Kansas has been a great thing."

More announcements about Google Fiber will be made in the upcoming weeks. However, it appears September 9 will be the next important date in the process.