Monday, August 13, 2012

Google Fiber Update: KCK now has 13 green Fiberhoods; more within reach


There are two new green Fiberhoods on the Google Fiber map.

Alvey Park and Edison School Fiberhoods have joined the fun, both reaching the goal on Sunday. Among the benefits of Alvey Park reaching the goal is Turner Middle School will receive Google Fiber for free.

Those two Fiberhoods reaching their pre-registration goals means there are a total of 13 Fiberhoods in KCK that have met their goals.

In addition, six Fiberhoods are within 10 registrations.

- The Piper Schools Fiberhood is just three more away. All of the schools inside the Piper School District would receive the high-speed Internet for free.

- Eugene Ware, 4

- Washington High School, 6.

- Wyandotte Center, 7

- Grinter, 8

- Miland Pumping, 9