Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Google Fiber Update: More of KCK is slowly turning green


As the September 9 deadline for Google Fiber approaches, more and more Fiberhoods in Kansas City, Kan., is slowly itching towards their registration goals.

There are nine Fiberhoods who have met or exceeded their goals: Hanover Heights, Dubs Dread, Frank Rushton, North KU Med, Rosedale Arch, Pearson School, Strawberry Hill, Wyandotte High School and Cambridge Circle.

In the past 48 hours, the Hanover Heights and Dubs Dread Fiberhoods have exchanged the lead in KCK at least six different times - maybe more.

More good news: The Bethel Fiberhood is just one more registration away as of early Wednesday morning. West Height is just three more away, while the Wyandotte Center is eight more registrations away from reaching its goal.

The Washington High School Fiberhood is 10 more away.

The complete KCK standings can be found here.