Monday, September 10, 2012

Registration process wraps up with about 92 percent of KCK's Fiberhoods reaching Google Fiber goals


There was a mad dash over the weekend to get Kansas City, Kan., fully registered for Google Fiber.

And KCK became very close to fully painting the city's Fiberhoods green.

At least 92 percent of Wyandotte County's Fiberhoods will receive Google Fiber the first go around, according to the company.

Overall, combining both KCK and Kansas City, Mo., over 90 percent of the two cities' Fiberhoods met the registration goals.

Google plans to announce the full list this Thursday.

"We are busy calculating the final pre-registration counts from each fiberhood," a statement from the Google Fiber site reads. "Specifically, we are working to make sure the final rankings include all pre-registrations from apartment buildings and condominiums, and reflect address verification requests."

Out of KCK's 74 Fiberhoods, 68 were in the green by Sunday at 11 p.m., a 91.9 percentage.

All of the school districts in KCK - the Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools District, Piper School District and Turner School District - will have all of their schools receive Google Fiber for free.

The final list will be released on Thursday.