Friday, October 12, 2012

KCKPS Choral and Band Festivals set for Oct. 20

News Release

The Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools will celebrate the choral and band music departments of the district with two major music festivals on Saturday, October 20.

In the morning, the district Choral Festival will be held in the Washington High School Auditorium. Students from all five high schools and most of the district’s middle schools will participate. 

Massed choirs will rehearse all morning with clinicians John Stafford (KCKCC Director of Choral Activities) for the middle schools, and Dr. Matthew Potterton (Baker University) for the high schools. A guest appearance by the KCKCC Chamber Singers will let patrons and students hear the possibilities for continued choral performance after high school.
At 11:30 a.m. there will be a free Choral Festival Concert for the parents and community. 

At 3 p.m., the annual KCKPS District Marching Band Festival will take place at the Washington High School Stadium. The event features bands from the district’s high schools, including Washington, Wyandotte, Sumner Academy, J. C. Harmon, and F. L. Schlagle. Doug Watts will provide the band critiques.

Traditionally, KCKPS band students and instructors focus their best performance energies on this festival, and the result is an afternoon of pageantry and sound.

Festival tickets are $5 in advance from any high school band director or $7 at the gate.