Friday, October 17, 2014

KANSAS CITY METRO TRAFFIC UPDATE: I-435 & Roe Avenue Interchange Ramp Closure

Kansas Department of Transportation 

KANSAS CITY, KAN. ----- All ramps at the I-435 and Roe Avenue interchange will REOPEN to right on, right off turn movements only during early morning, this Sunday, October 19, weather permitting through Friday, October 31.

All interchange ramps were closed on September 15 for construction work to tie-in the ramp pavement to the new Roe venue bridge structures to complete the new diverging diamond interchange configuration.

The new I-435 and Roe Avenue diverging diamond interchange is scheduled to FULLY OPEN to all traffic by Friday, October 31, weather permitting. This means the new bridge and all ramps will reopen in the new diverging diamond configuration to all traffic. There will still be project work taking place through the first few weeks of November which will have minimal impacts to traffic.

Updated daily traffic information for this interchange project and for the entire Kansas Metro Area can be viewed online at:

Please click on the following link for information on the interchange construction project phasing, schedule and potential traffic impacts:

The Kansas Department of Transportation urges all motorists to be alert, obey the warning signs, and “Give ‘Em a Brake!” when approaching and driving through the project work zone.

The entire project is scheduled to be completed by late November 2014, weather permitting.